Acoustic curtains (Made to measure) can‘t be returned6

Acoustic booth (vocal booth)12

SoundProof booths6

Acoustic blankets (sound blankets)13



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Most of the goods you will find on our online store we not only sell but also design and manufacture ourselves.

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Orders received on a working day before 11am are dispatched the same day. Valid only for items marked: (same day dispatch)

Trusted shop

You can count on us, we always keep what we promised, as hundreds of our satisfied customers can attest.

In our shop you can find sound absorption panels, acoustic blankets, sound blankets for acoustic room treatment and soundproofing, sound isolation products for your home recording studio.

If you need to treat any recording space with echo and reverberation acoustic sound blankets from VocalBoothToGo is the best and most efficient option. Sound absorption blankets for soundproofing being used with great success by voice actors, singers and musicians to eliminate echo and create clear sounding voice over recordings, that is a must for audio book narration, post production dialog and any type of audio recording.

If you are on the road travelling – acoustic blankets or portable vocal booth will allow you to work anywhere and get a studio quality recording.

We offer many voice over essentials that are popular not only for building your home recording studio, but also with professional recording and audio production companies.

Our acoustic curtains and soundproofing curtains are also widely used by ordinary people in their homes or by companies in their offices to soundproof or improve speech intelligibility in rooms.


Add grommets on the acoustic blankets

Add grommets on the acoustic blankets

Dear Customers, If the grommets you find on each acoustic blanket are not enough for you, you can order additional grommets on our website, directly in the product details, before you add it to your cart.